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Why the numbers are essential for successful financial planning

When creating a financial plan, you often start with your goals. After all, setting out your aspirations first lets you create a plan that’s tailored to you. Yet, understanding your numbers is just as crucial for successful financial planning and they could help you understand the effect of your decisions.

So, which numbers are the key ones you should know?

Which numbers you may want to track will depend on your goals

To keep your financial plan on track, monitoring key numbers can help you assess your progress and identify potential gaps. Read on to discover which numbers could be important in two different scenarios.

Ensuring your family’s financial security

If you have a family, a key priority might be to ensure their long-term financial security. You might want to set money aside to pay for milestones, like helping children go to university. You may also be worried about what would happen if you faced a financial shock.

So, questions like those below could help you highlight the key numbers that will allow you to create a financial plan that reflects your circumstances.

  • What are your household’s day-to-day expenses?
  • What is the value of your family’s large financial commitments, such as a mortgage?
  • What is the value of planned one-off costs?
  • How much do you have saved in an emergency fund?
  • What percentage of your income is protected?

The answers to these questions may highlight things like a gap in your financial safety net that could mean your family is vulnerable to a shock. Or that you may benefit from putting money aside to pay for one-off costs, like supporting your child’s homeownership goals.

Planning for your retirement

When you’re planning for retirement, there are several key numbers you might need to consider. For example, the answers to these questions could be important:

  • How many years or months until you hope to retire?
  • What percentage of your income are you contributing to your pension?
  • How much income do you need in retirement, and how much will it need to increase to maintain your spending power?
  • How long will you spend in retirement?

With these numbers you may be able to start creating a plan that provides you with financial stability and peace of mind throughout retirement. Again, the results could help you identify potential gaps or indicate where you may need to compromise.

Key numbers could help you forecast how your wealth will change

Cashflow modelling could help you see how your wealth and assets may change over the long term.

To start, you input key information, such as your income, the value of your assets, or how much you are contributing to your pension each month. You can then see how your wealth might change over the years.

This is where knowing your numbers is important. Cashflow modelling is only as good as the data you input. So, taking time to understand the value of your assets and financial needs could be essential.

Once you’ve added the figures, you can use cashflow modelling to see the outcome of different scenarios. For instance, how would:

  • Your retirement income change if you increase your pension contributions?
  • Different investment returns affect your long-term wealth?
  • Gifting a lump sum to a loved one affect your long-term financial security?

So, it can be used as a way to understand how the decisions you make now could affect long-term plans.

The results of cashflow modelling cannot be guaranteed as the outcomes will be based on some assumptions, such as investment returns. However, it can provide a useful way to visualise how your financial decisions could affect your long-term wealth.

Regular reviews to update your numbers could be valuable. It also presents an opportunity to ensure your financial plan continues to reflect your goals. Over time, your aspirations might change, and, as a result, you may want to adjust your financial plan or the data used in your cashflow model.

Contact us to talk about your key numbers and how they could help you reach your goals

We can work with you to create a tailored financial plan that reflects your aspirations. Taking a bespoke approach could mean you feel more confident about your current finances and how they’ll change in the medium and long term.

With regular financial reviews to track key numbers, you can focus on what’s most important to you. Please contact us to arrange a meeting.

Please note:

This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate cashflow planning.

The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

A pension is a long-term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available. Your pension income could also be affected by the interest rates at the time you take your benefits.

The pros and cons of choosing a living legacy over leaving an inheritance

Traditionally, people passed on wealth to their loved ones once they passed away through a will. However, you might be considering gifting assets during your lifetime to create a living legacy. Read on to discover the pros and cons you may want to consider before deciding which option is right for you.

The benefits of passing on assets during your lifetime

A living legacy may allow you to help your loved ones when they need it most

One of the key drawbacks of a traditional inheritance is that they’re often received later in life when loved ones may be more financially secure. In contrast, a living legacy could provide you with a way to pass on assets at a time when they’ll benefit more.

Soaring house prices mean getting on the property ladder has become a challenge for many families. As a result, parents and grandparents are increasingly passing on wealth to act as a deposit.

According to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, around half of first-time buyers in their 20s receive financial help to buy their home. On average, they receive a gift of £25,000.

The research found that not only does this wealth transfer support home ownership goals but long-term wealth accumulation too. As those receiving financial help typically put down a larger deposit, the interest they pay on their mortgage could be thousands of pounds lower.

Helping loved ones step onto the property ladder isn’t the only reason you might want to gift assets now. Perhaps you want to fund university or private school, or pay off debt so their day-to-day finances improve.

Passing on assets during your lifetime could give you greater control over how they’re used

If you have a clear idea about how you’d like your beneficiaries to use the assets you’re passing on to them, doing so during your lifetime could provide you with greater control. For instance, if you want to ensure your grandchild goes to a private school, you could pay the fees directly.

It may be worth speaking to your family about their goals and the obstacles they face in reaching them. This could help you provide support in a way that suits both them and you.

Gifting might offer a way to reduce a potential Inheritance Tax bill

If the value of your estate exceeds Inheritance Tax (IHT) thresholds when you pass away, it could result in a large bill and less money going to your beneficiaries.

In 2023/24, the nil-rate band is £325,000 – if the value of your estate is below this threshold, no IHT is due. In addition, if you’re passing on some properties, including your main home, to direct descendants, you may be able to use the residence nil-rate band, which is £175,000 in 2023/24.

You can pass on unused allowances to your spouse or civil partner. So, as a couple, you could pass on up to £1 million before IHT is due.

If your estate could be liable for IHT, there may be steps you could take to reduce a potential bill, including passing on assets during your lifetime. However, not all assets are considered immediately outside of your estate for IHT purposes, and the rules can be complex. If you’re thinking about creating a living legacy to mitigate an IHT bill, we can help.

The drawbacks of a living legacy

Passing on wealth now could affect your long-term financial security

One of the key challenges of passing on wealth during your lifetime is understanding the long-term effect it could have on your financial security – would taking a lump sum out of your estate now potentially mean you need to make compromises later in life?

Making gifts part of your financial plan can help you understand the short- and long-term impact. It can give you confidence when you’re passing on assets that your finances are secure too.

A living legacy could affect the assets you leave behind as an inheritance

While a living legacy can be useful, you might still want to leave an inheritance behind for loved ones. Gifting could mean the amount they’ll receive after you’ve passed away is lower. So, if leaving assets in a will is important to you, assessing how a living legacy will affect your estate during your lifetime could be useful.

It might also be beneficial to have a conversation with your loved ones – do they understand how gifts they receive now could affect their inheritance? It may affect the financial decisions they make.

Gifting assets during your lifetime may make your estate plan more complex

Estate planning can be complex, and gifting during your lifetime could add to this.

You might gift one child a deposit to get on the property ladder, but your other child already owns their home – will you still provide them with a lump sum now or would they receive more through your will?

An estate plan that’s tailored to you could help you manage different goals and set out the best way to provide support for each of your beneficiaries. It can also help you take the steps necessary to ensure your wishes are followed, such as writing a will.

Arrange a meeting with us to talk about your living legacy

If you’d like to pass on wealth during your lifetime, it’s important you consider how it’ll affect your long-term finances and how to do it tax-efficiently. Making a living legacy part of your long-term financial plan could provide you with peace of mind while you support loved ones.

We could also help you assess other options, such as leaving an inheritance in a will or placing assets in a trust, to create an estate plan that suits you.

Please contact us to arrange a meeting.

Please note:

This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate estate planning, tax planning, trusts, or legal services.

The 3 essential pension decisions you should review to avoid becoming a “triple defaulter”

Pension savers dubbed “triple defaulters” could be overlooking small changes to their pension that may make their long-term finances more secure. Have you reviewed these three important pension decisions recently?

According to a survey from Aviva, millions of workers who have been auto-enrolled into a pension scheme have never updated their contributions, investment choices, or target retirement age. The findings could suggest many people are approaching retirement unprepared.

Indeed, more than half of those on a middle income due to retire in the 2050s say they have never heard of or know nothing about their retirement options. So, it’s no surprise that just 1 in 5 said they feel prepared in terms of how they will fund their retirement.

As your pension is typically invested for decades, even a small change could lead to the value of your savings at retirement being thousands of pounds more. So, you could benefit from reviewing these three pension decisions.

1. What percentage of your income is added to your pension?

If you’ve been automatically enrolled into a pension, you’ll pay the minimum contribution level. This is currently 5%, including tax relief, of your pensionable earnings.

While this might sound like a reasonable figure to put aside for your retirement, it could mean your lifestyle once you give up work falls short of your expectations.

According to the Aviva research, a person earning the median salary throughout their career who contributes the minimum amount to their pension from the age of 22, could expect a pension fund of around £225,000 when they retire in the 2050s.

This falls short of the savings a retiree is predicted to need to achieve a “moderate” lifestyle, according to the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association.

In this scenario, if the individual puts an extra 2% of their income into their pension, its value could be £56,000 more at retirement – an increase of 25%.

Of course, many factors affect the value of your pension at retirement and performance cannot be guaranteed. However, the example demonstrates how regular contributions could add up to a substantial sum over the long term.

2. How is your pension invested?

Usually, when a pension is opened for you, your savings will be invested through a default fund. However, this might not be the best option for you, so it could be worth looking at the alternatives.

Typically, a pension provider will offer several different funds with various risk profiles. Some may also offer funds with “sustainable” objectives, which will invest in companies that meet its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. You may find that a different fund is more suitable for you once you review them.

Using the same scenario as the above example, a 22-year-old who secures higher investment returns of just 1% throughout their working life could see their pension value increase by £57,000 at retirement.

3. What is your target retirement date?

You don’t have to set a retirement date straight away, but having an idea of when you’d like to retire is also important.

If you haven’t manually set a retirement date with your pension fund, your provider will usually set it at State Pension Age. There are two key reasons why it’s important your retirement date is accurate.

First, your pension provider will send you annual statements, which will include a projection of the value of your pension at retirement. If you decide to retire sooner, you could find your pension savings fall short.

Second, pension funds will often automatically reduce the amount of risk your investments are exposed to as you near your retirement date to limit the effect of short-term volatility. So, setting the retirement date could help you manage risk.

Just 1 in 10 middle-income pension savers retiring in the 2050s have sought professional advice

As well as overlooking important pension decisions, the survey also suggests many aren’t taking professional financial advice.

Just 1 in 10 people who receive a middle income and will retire in the 2050s have already sought professional advice. This compares to around 37% of the same group in the US.

Interestingly, 58% of Brits who have retired in the last 10 years say they wish they’d known more about pension needs when they were younger.

Even if retirement is a goal that’s still several decades away, seeking advice about how to secure your long-term finances could provide you with more freedom later in life. It could also ensure you have the information you need to make informed decisions about your pension now and understand the long-term effects they could have.

Contact us to talk about your pension

Whether retirement is just around the corner or years away, we could help you create a retirement plan that suits your lifestyle and goals. Knowing that your pension has been reviewed by a professional and having someone you can discuss your retirement with could boost your confidence in your long-term plan.

Please contact us to speak to one of our team and arrange a meeting.

Please note:

This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

A pension is a long-term investment not normally accessible until 55 (57 from April 2028). The fund value may fluctuate and can go down, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

The tax implications of pension withdrawals will be based on your individual circumstances. Thresholds, percentage rates and tax legislation may change in subsequent Finance Acts.

Investment market update: September 2023

Economies around the world continue to struggle with high inflation and weakening demand affecting GDP. Read on to discover some of the factors that may have affected your investment portfolio in September 2023. 

When reviewing short-term market movements, remember to focus on your long-term investment goals.


Official data shows the UK economy contracted by 0.5% in July. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) attributed the poor performance to strike action and poor weather. 

However, there was some good GDP data. The ONS said the UK economy reached pre-pandemic levels earlier than thought in the final quarter of 2021. The revision is good news as economists previously believed the UK was lagging behind other countries. 

Inflation is falling but remains above the Bank of England’s (BoE) 2% target. In the 12 months to August 2023, it was 6.7%.

Despite high inflation, the BoE’s Monetary Policy Committee voted to hold its base interest rate of 5.25%. The Bank’s governor, Andrew Bailey, said he believes inflation will fall “quite markedly” by the end of the year. However, he added, it would be premature to cut interest rates now. 

Quarterly data from the central bank shows the public is dissatisfied with the strategy for controlling inflation. Public satisfaction was at its lowest since records began in 1999. 

While interest rates didn’t rise in September, households are struggling.

The Resolution Foundation warned average working household incomes are on course to be 4% lower in 2024/25 in real terms when compared to 2019/20 thanks to high interest rates, steep tax rises, and a stagnant economy. 

The number of mortgages in arrears also demonstrates the pressure some families are facing. According to the BoE, the number of mortgages in arrears hit the highest level in almost seven years. 

Businesses are feeling the strain from rising interest rates too. Think tank Cebr predicts that 7,000 businesses will fail every quarter in 2024.

Statistics from the Insolvency Service indicate some businesses are already struggling to balance costs.

Company insolvencies jumped by almost a fifth in England and Wales in August when compared to a year earlier. However, it’s important to note that insolvencies were at a historic low during the pandemic as businesses benefited from government support. 

Despite some negative statistics, the FTSE 100 recorded its best day of 2023 so far – the index gained 1.95% on 14 September. 


GDP data for the eurozone was revised downwards. Statistics show GDP expanded by only 0.3% in the second quarter of 2023, which has led to concerns that the bloc could fall into a recession in the second half of the year. 

Inflation in the eurozone fell to 5.2% in the 12 months to August. However, there’s a big difference between economies across the bloc. Hungary had the highest rate of inflation at 14.2%, while Spain and Belgium saw prices increase by 2.4% when compared to a year earlier. 

In response, the European Central Bank raised its three key interest rates by 25 basis points. 

Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) data indicated that business output is still contracting as new orders fell and firms were forced to pay more for raw materials and other costs. Germany and Austria were among the worst-performing nations in the eurozone. 

As the largest economy in the eurozone, Germany is often used as a barometer for the economic area.

Unfortunately, signs suggest Germany’s economy could be faltering. The European Commission said it expects the country’s GDP to fall by 0.4% this year as energy price shocks due to the war in Ukraine hit the country hard.

Sentix’s index for the eurozone also suggests Germany’s performance is leading to pessimism among investors. 

While many countries are struggling to manage soaring inflation, Turkey’s is among the highest. In the 12 months to September 2023, inflation was 61.5% and its base interest rate was 25% in September.


Inflation in the US is lower than in some other developed economies. However, at 3.7% in the 12 months to August 2023, the figure is higher than it was a month earlier. 

Similar to countries in Europe, PMI data suggests business productivity flatlined in September. S&P Global said the service sector lost momentum in August, while manufacturers reported a drop in sales. 

Towards the end of the month, there was a risk that the US government could partially shut down. A group of Republican members of the House of Representatives refused to compromise with their own party’s leadership. 

Credit rating agency Moody’s warned a shutdown could threaten the US’s triple-A rating and cause market volatility. 

It would follow Fitch downgrading the US government’s credit rating in August due to a “deterioration of standards”. 

Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

The healthy living lessons you could learn from blue zones

Embracing lessons from so-called “blue zones” could boost your health and longevity, according to an expert. Read on to find out more about these areas and how you could make changes to your life. 

In 2004, two professors identified Sardinia’s Nuoro Province in Italy as having a high concentration of male centenarians. They referred to the area as a “blue zone”.

Dan Buettner, a longevity expert, has built on their work. He has identified a further four healthy living hotspots:

  • Ikaria, an island in Greece
  • Okinawa, an island in Japan
  • Loma Linda, a small city in California, USA
  • The Nicoya peninsula in Costa Rica.

While blue zones are associated with longevity, a lower rate of chronic health, and higher rates of wellbeing, Buettner says it’s not just about living a longer life but being able to enjoy it too.  

The five locations dubbed blue zones are diverse and spread across the globe. Yet, they share some similarities that have been explored in the documentary Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones

Here are four lessons you could take from blue zones and make part of your life. 

Lesson 1: Change how you think about healthy eating 

When you think about improving your diet, you might focus on restricting calories or cutting out certain foods. Yet, a more holistic approach to healthy eating could lead to longer-lasting results.

According to Buettner, the average person makes around 220 food decisions every single day. However, only around 10% of them are conscious. 

As a result, he argues that trying to govern the 22 conscious decisions isn’t that effective. Instead, setting up your kitchen so the far more unconscious decisions are slightly healthier is better.

The research indicates that plant-based food options with plenty of spices and herbs and smaller portions of meat or fish could lead to longer lives. 

Lesson 2: Maintain healthy relationships with family and friends

Busy modern lives mean that relationships can suffer. You might not spend as much time with family or friends as you’d like to. 

Buettner believes relationships play a vital role in longevity and health. He says they could provide a strong sense of purpose that leads to people living for longer. In fact, in the blue zones, familial ties are often important.

Making relationships a priority and dedicating time to them could boost your wellbeing. It may seem simple but placing spending time with the people that are important to you in your diary, the same way you would with work or appointments, can help you maintain bonds.

It’s not just the relationships with immediate family and friends that are useful. Playing a role in your community can further enhance your health by providing new connections and a sense of place. 

Lesson 3: Define your purpose 

In Okinawa, Japan, residents are three times more likely to reach their 100th birthday than other regions, and their sense of purpose could play a role. 

During Live to 100, Buettner introduces centenarians who are still enjoying and living a full life. The research indicates that having something that drives you and helps you get up in the morning can be beneficial to your wellbeing. Locals from Okinawa call this purpose “ikigai”.

So, defining what you’re passionate about, whether that’s travelling, art, or supporting your family, could help you feel more fulfilled. It’s a step that could improve your mental health and even your overall wellbeing. 

Lesson 4: Make light exercise part of your daily routine 

Everyone knows that exercise is part of maintaining your health. Yet, the blue zones suggest you don’t need to regularly hit the gym or train for a marathon. In fact, you could do away with exercise classes and strict plans altogether if you don’t enjoy them.

Making light exercise part of your routine could be just as useful if remaining healthy in your later years is your goal. You might ditch the car to walk to the local shops or get outdoors to garden. Regular low-intensity exercise can help keep you active and mobile. 

Buettner refers to this approach as “moving naturally”, where you live in an environment that encourages you to move without thinking about it.

Inflation has cost savers £113 billion in real terms in the last year

High inflation over the last year has collectively cost savers billions of pounds in real terms, according to an Independent report. Have you considered the effect the rising cost of living could have on your wealth?

While inflation may not reduce how much you have in your savings account, in real terms, the value may fall. 

As the cost of goods and services rises, what you could purchase with your savings falls. Usually, this happens at a gradual pace. However, as inflation has been higher than the Bank of England’s (BoE) 2% target for two years, the effect has been more noticeable. 

If the interest rate your savings earn doesn’t keep pace with inflation, the value of your money decreases.

Inflation could reduce the value of your savings in real terms, but cash may still be useful

The BoE calculations suggest £10,000 in 2021 would have to have grown to £11,774 in August 2023 just to have the same spending power. So, your savings would need to have earned £1,774 in interest during that time.

Even though interest rates have started to rise as the BoE has increased its base rate to tackle high inflation, it’s unlikely your savings have grown at the same pace. 

The analysis published in the Independent suggests up to £113 billion has been wiped off the value of savings in the last year in real terms. 

While the value of your money may fall in real terms in a savings or current account, there are still times when they might be the right option for you, including these three:

  • Handling your day-to-day finances: If you’re using money held in your account to pay for utility bills or other regular expenses, inflation will have little effect. 
  • Saving for short-term goals: Investing could make sense when you’re saving for a long-term goal. However, if you’ll be saving over a shorter period, volatility might mean investing isn’t the right option. So, when you’re saving for a holiday next year or home improvements for example, a cash account could be right for you. 
  • Creating an emergency fund: While you may not want to access your emergency fund now, you want to be able to easily make a withdrawal if the unexpected happens. As a result, a cash savings account could make sense. 

So, it’s important to set out what you want to use your money for. It can help you select an appropriate place for your wealth that aligns with your goals. 

Inflation is starting to fall, which could ease the burden for some savers. However, the value of the money held in a savings account could still fall in real terms. Meanwhile, investing might provide a way to grow your wealth. 

Investment returns may outstrip inflation 

It’s impossible to guarantee investment returns. Yet, investing does present an opportunity to potentially grow your wealth in real terms. 

Historically, markets have delivered returns over long time frames. If you’re saving for a goal that’s more than five years away, from buying a property to retiring, investing might be an option you want to consider. 

Market volatility is a normal part of investing. The value of your investments will rise and fall at different points. So, it’s often not appropriate if you’re investing with a short-term time frame, as a dip in the market could mean you lose money.

If you want to invest, considering risk is important.

All investments carry some risk. However, investment risk varies significantly and you can choose options that are appropriate for you.

There are many factors you may want to weigh up when deciding how much investment risk to take, including the reason you’re investing and the other assets you hold. We can help you create a risk profile and an investment portfolio that reflects your wider financial plan. 

Get in touch to talk about how to make the most of your money

Getting the most out of your money is about understanding your goals and how to use your assets to reach them. If you’d like to talk about your tailored financial plan, including whether investing is right for you, please contact us. 

Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

5 common mistakes when writing a will that a solicitor could help you avoid

A will provides a way to state who you’d like to receive your assets when you pass away. While you don’t need to work with a solicitor when writing a will, doing so could help you avoid mistakes. 

Will Aid is taking place in November and may be the perfect time to write your will while supporting good causes. 

Every year, participating solicitors volunteer to waive their usual fee for writing a basic will. Instead, they invite clients to make a voluntary donation to Will Aid. The donations support a variety of charities, including Age UK, the British Red Cross, and Save the Children.

Choosing to work with a solicitor when you’re writing your will could help you avoid mistakes that may mean your estate isn’t distributed how you want or could lead to probate taking longer. 

Here are five mistakes that affect some wills. 

1. Your wishes aren’t clear enough

Using ambiguous language in a will can make distributing your estate much more difficult. Vague or contradictory wishes may lead to confusion about your intentions. In some cases, it may mean your wishes aren’t carried out.

You should ensure your will clearly specifies the assets you’re referring to and sets out your wishes in a way that’s easy to understand.

You may also want to consider what would happen if an asset changes. For example, if you intended to leave a property to one beneficiary but have since sold it, should they receive the cash equivalent?

As a will may cover a lot of assets and beneficiaries, it can be difficult to write a will that’s precise if you’re not a professional, especially if your wishes are complex. 

2. You don’t consider all your assets

Estates can be complex and it’s easy to overlook some of your assets. Many people will include their main assets, like property or a savings account, but other items may go unnoticed when writing your will. Perhaps you have some Premium Bonds or artwork you’ve forgotten about.

Carrying out a financial review before you write your will may help you better understand the assets that make up your estate.

Financial planning could also forecast how the value of assets may change during your lifetime, which might affect how you want to distribute assets to loved ones. 

3. You don’t account for beneficiaries passing away 

One of the challenges of writing a will is that you need to consider what may happen in the future. If a beneficiary passes away before your estate is settled, who would you want to inherit your assets?

Usually, if a beneficiary passes away, the assets they were due to inherit will be kept within your estate and distributed to surviving beneficiaries, which may not align with your wishes. 

4. You don’t appoint an executor

An executor is the person who will deal with the administration of your estate when you pass away. Their duties will include carrying out your wishes in accordance with your will.

It’s an important role, but some people overlook naming an executor. Your will would still be valid in this case, but someone will need to apply to become the administrator or a court may ask someone to take on the role. It could delay the probate process.

You can choose someone you know personally to be the executor. It’s often a good idea to speak to the person first to ensure they’re happy to take on the responsibility and understand what’s involved. You may also choose a professional executor, such as your solicitor. 

5. Your will isn’t signed or witnessed correctly

A common error when writing a will without support is that it isn’t signed or witnessed correctly. It may mean your will is invalid and, rather than being distributed according to your wishes, intestacy rules would apply. 

Your two witnesses must be over the age of 18 and shouldn’t be family members. They and their spouse also shouldn’t benefit from your will in any way. You must sign your will in the presence of your witnesses, who should also sign it, as well as write their full names, addresses, and occupations. Finally, you should date your will. 

Regular reviews of your will may be just as important as writing one

Once you’ve written your will, don’t simply put it to one side and forget about it.

During your life, your wishes and circumstances may change, which might mean you need to update your will. Whether you want to make provisions for a new grandchild, or the value of your assets has increased, regular reviews may help ensure your will continues to reflect your wishes. 

It’s often a good idea to review your will after major life events or every five years.

If you need to make changes, there are two options:

  1. A codicil is added to your existing will. It must be signed and witnessed. While there are no limits to how many codicils you can add or what they can cover, significant changes or several small alterations can make your will complicated. Codicils may mean your will is more likely to contain contradictions, so they are often best used for straightforward changes.
  2. If a codicil isn’t appropriate, you can write a new will. This is usually a good option if you would like to make major changes. Your new will should state it revokes all previous wills and codicils, which should be destroyed. 

You can add a codicil or write a new will without professional support, but, again, a solicitor could help you avoid mistakes. 

An estate plan could help you distribute your assets effectively 

Writing your will is an essential step to take to ensure your assets are distributed how you wish. Before you put a will in place, understanding your assets and how their value could change over time may help you set out wishes that reflect your goals.

In addition, estate planning might highlight if you want to consider things like Inheritance Tax, how to pass on your pension, or gifting during your lifetime. 

Please contact us to talk about your estate plan and how you may want to pass on assets through your will. 

Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate estate planning, tax planning, or legal services.

How to make happiness part of your financial plan

People often think of their financial plan as a way to grow their wealth and provide financial security. You might consider areas like your pension or financial protection to be core parts of your financial plan. Yet, while they’re important, your happiness is essential too. 

Financial planning is about helping you reach your financial goals, but it goes further than that.

It’s about making your money work in a way that aligns with your lifestyle aspirations and understanding how it could improve your wellbeing. 

After all, you might want the money in your pension to grow, but your money will often be linked to other aspirations you may have. For example, you might want investments to perform well so you can travel more in retirement, or to allow you to retire early so you can spend more time with grandchildren while they’re young. 

As a result, recognising what makes you happy now or could improve your life in the future should be at the centre of your financial plan.

Here are three steps you can take to make your happiness the focus of your financial plan.

1. Set out what makes you happy

Think about your day-to-day life. What gives you purpose and makes you happy? Setting out what is important to you can help you make conscious money decisions that reflect your wellbeing.

Without a clear focus, it can be easy to make decisions that aren’t necessarily right for you. For example, you might spend money on impulsive purchases that give you a brief serotonin boost, but you then have to compromise on something that would bring you longer-lasting happiness. 

It’s also worth thinking about the one-off experiences you’ve had that brought you joy. Which memories do you look back on fondly with a smile? You might want to make other similar experiences part of your long-term plan. 

2. Create clear objectives

Often, your happiness goals will be linked to finances in some way. So, setting out financial objectives with your wellbeing at the centre is useful.

These could be both short- and long-term objectives. Perhaps you have a hobby that brightens up your day, so you want to make the associated costs part of your regular budget. Or maybe you’re really looking forward to the freedom that retirement will bring, so you have a pension goal you want to achieve that would allow you to give up work sooner. 

Consider what money or assets you’d need to make your life happier. You can then turn your attention to how to reach these objectives with your circumstances in mind. 

3. Form a financial plan around your objectives

With your objectives set out, you can start to think about how to achieve them through your financial plan.

For example, if you want to retire early so you can indulge your passions, what is a tax-efficient way of saving the money you need? Or what steps can you take to create long-term financial security once you give up work?

By starting with what makes you happy you can make conscious financial decisions that support your wellbeing now and over the long term. 

A financial planner can help identify how to use your money to reach the goals you’ve set out. Having a plan that’s tailored to you may also improve how confident you feel about your finances, so you may focus on enjoying other parts of your life.

Contact us to create a financial plan that focuses on your happiness 

As a financial planner, we may help you get more out of your money with your lifestyle goals in mind. We’ll work with you to not only understand how you could grow your wealth, if that’s your goal and appropriate for you, but also understand how to use your assets to enhance your life.

Please contact us to arrange a meeting to discuss your life goals and how we could offer support in creating a financial plan for you. 

Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

The value of your investments (and any income from them) can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investments should be considered over the longer term and should fit in with your overall attitude to risk and financial circumstances.

3 essential factors to consider if you plan to gift wealth to avoid Inheritance Tax

Figures suggest more families are gifting to avoid Inheritance Tax (IHT). While passing on assets to loved ones may seem like a clear solution, it isn’t always so simple. 

More estates are becoming liable for IHT as thresholds for paying the tax are frozen. The Office for Budget Responsibility predicts HMRC will collect £8.4 billion from IHT receipts in 2027/28, compared to £7 billion in 2022/23.

The portion of your estate that exceeds IHT thresholds could be taxed at a standard rate of 40%. So, it’s not surprising that families are looking for ways to mitigate a potential bill. 

According to a Telegraph report, the number of people who have gifted assets that would become exempt from IHT if they survived a further seven years increased by 48% between 2009/10 and 2019/20.

If the value of your estate exceeds the nil-rate band, which is £325,000 in 2023/24, your estate may be liable for IHT. You might also be able to use the residence nil-rate band, which is £175,000 in 2023/24, if you leave your main home to direct descendants.

You can pass on unused allowances to your spouse or civil partner.

Both the nil-rate band and residence nil-rate band are frozen until April 2028. So, if the value of your estate is nearing the threshold, you may find your estate could become liable for IHT as the value of your assets could rise.  

Gifting assets to your beneficiaries now can be advantageous. It may allow you to help loved ones reach life milestones.

However, if you’re gifting for IHT purposes, there are some things you may want to keep in mind. 

1. Gifting may affect your financial security later in life

Before you hand over a gift, assessing the effect it could have on your later life may provide peace of mind. Could gifting leave you financially vulnerable in your later years? Could it affect your ability to overcome a financial shock?

Making gifts part of your wider financial plan means you can understand how your decision may affect your wealth over the short and long term. 

Understanding the potential implications before you make a gift might help you to feel more confident about your finances. 

2. Not all gifts are considered immediately outside of your estate for Inheritance Tax purposes

When you’re gifting to minimise an IHT bill, considering longevity may be important. 

Gifts might be considered “potentially exempt transfers” (PETs) and included as part of your estate when calculating IHT for up to seven years after they were given.

As a result, if the entire value of your estate exceeds IHT thresholds, your estate could be liable for IHT on assets you’ve already passed on.

Once seven years have passed, gifts will not be included when calculating IHT liability. 

3. There are gifting allowances you may want to make use of

If you want to gift assets to reduce an IHT bill, there are some allowances you could make use of. 

These gifts would be considered immediately outside of your estate for IHT purposes:

  • The annual exemption, which is £3,000 in 2023/24
  • £1,000 to someone getting married, rising to £5,000 for your children and £2,500 for grandchildren
  • Unlimited gifts of up to £250 to any individual who has not received a gift using another allowance.

Regular gifts that are made from your income may also be exempt from IHT. These gifts must be made regularly. For instance, you may pay the rent on your child’s home or your grandchild’s school fees. 

Making use of these allowances and exemptions could provide a tax-efficient way to pass on wealth during your lifetime. 

There are others steps you could take to reduce a potential Inheritance Tax bill 

Gifting isn’t the only option if you want to reduce a potential IHT bill. Other solutions might include:

  • Leaving 10% or more of your estate to charity, which would reduce the IHT rate from 40% to 36%
  • Passing on wealth through your pension, which is usually considered outside of your estate
  • Using a trust to pass on assets tax-efficiently. 

It’s important to weigh up the pros and cons of these options. It may also be useful to take both financial and legal advice in some cases, as estate planning can be complex. 

You might also want to consider taking out a whole of life insurance policy. This wouldn’t reduce the amount of IHT your estate is liable for, but loved ones could use the money it pays out to settle the bill.

It’s essential that life insurance is written in trust. Otherwise, the payout could be considered part of your estate and result in a higher IHT bill.   

An estate plan can help you set your affairs in order and minimise Inheritance Tax

An estate plan can help you set out what you’d like to happen in your later years and how you’d like to pass on assets when you die. Setting your affairs in order can be emotional, but it’s an important task.  

We can help you create an estate plan that reflects your wishes and considers concerns you may have, such as whether IHT will affect the assets you leave behind. Please contact us to arrange a meeting. 

Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate estate or tax planning. 

Remember that taper relief only applies to gifts in excess of the nil-rate band. It follows that, if no tax is payable on the transfer because it does not exceed the nil-rate band (after cumulation), there can be no relief.

Taper relief does not reduce the value transferred; it reduces the tax payable as a consequence of that transfer.

Investment market update: July 2023

Data from economies around the world indicate business output and confidence could be slowing. Read on to find out what influenced the investment market in July 2023. 

Despite some data suggesting there could be a downturn in some areas, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has lifted its global growth forecast for 2023. The organisation now expects the global economy to grow by 3%, up from its previous prediction of 2.8%. 

Globally, both households and businesses could face pressure as energy prices may rise in the colder months. The International Energy Agency warned that, if China’s economy rebounds this year, energy prices may spike in winter. 


The pace of inflation in the UK is slowing. Yet, it remains stubbornly high and above many other economies at 7.9% in the 12 months to June 2023. The latest inflation figures prompted the Bank of England (BoE) to hike its base interest rate again – as of July 2023, it stands at 5%. 

The IMF predicts the BoE will need to keep interest rates high for longer than expected due to economic challenges.

Further rises could cause market volatility – the FTSE 100 hit its lowest closing level of 2023 ahead of the July BoE announcement at the start of the month. 

The interest rate increases have led to mortgage rates soaring. In July, the average five-year fixed-rate mortgage deal exceeded 6% for the first time since 2008. In fact, by the end of 2026, the BoE predicts that 1 million households will see their monthly mortgage repayments increase by £500.

While many borrowers have been affected by interest rates increasing almost immediately, saving rates have been lagging. The Financial Conduct Authority set out expectations for “fair and competitive savings” during the month, and savers may have started to see the earnings on their savings rise as a result.

The latest release from the Office for National Statistics shows that between February and April 2023, the average wage increased by 7.2%. While growth is good news, the figure is below inflation and so wages are falling in real terms.

As well as soaring mortgage costs, food inflation has significantly affected household budgets. So, it may be of little surprise that a survey for i newspaper found 67% of consumers would back the idea of a price cap on essential goods.

Data suggests many businesses are struggling too.

According to a Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) UK factories shrank at their fastest pace in six months in June. Output, new orders, and employment levels all fell and could signal the challenges will continue into the medium term. 

As businesses struggle with rising costs, insolvencies are expected to rise. Figures released by the Insolvency Service show business bankruptcies were 27% higher in June when compared to the same period in 2022. 

Begbies Traynor, a business recovery and financial consultancy, believes insolvencies will rise over the next 18 months due to interest rate hikes. The firm added that “zombie” businesses have been able to continue operating due to cheap borrowing costs but will now struggle to service debts. 

While there have been ups and downs in the market throughout July, the pound hit a 15-month high after all major UK banks passed BoE stress tests. 


Inflation in the Eurozone fell to 5.5% in the 12 months to June 2023. While still above the long-term average, it’s lower than the 8.6% recorded in June 2022. 

In response, the European Central Bank increased interest rates to its highest level in more than 20 years. The deposit rate is 3.75% as of July 2023. 

PMI data indicates businesses in the Eurozone are facing similar challenges to the UK. Overall business activity fell and moved into negative territory. Factory output was also weak in June, particularly in Austria, Germany and Italy, and employment fell for the first time since January 2021. 


Steps taken by the Federal Reserve have successfully slowed inflation in the US. In the 12 months to June, it was 3% – a two-year low. 

According to PMI data, the US factory sector took a “sharp turn for the worse” in June. The results mirror the situation in Europe, with new orders falling. It’s increased concerns that the country could slip into a recession in the second half of the year.

While there may be worries about the US economy, official data indicates businesses are still confident about their future. American companies added half a million jobs to the economy in June and US wages increased by 4.4%. 

In company news, Twitter’s rebrand to X is estimated to have wiped billions off the company’s value.

Since Tesla owner Elon Musk took over the social media platform in October 2022, he’s made a raft of changes. In July, Musk revealed a new name and logo for the platform, which have drawn criticism. According to Fortune, changing the name has wiped out between $4 billion and $20 billion in brand value.  

Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.