Category: News
3 interesting pieces of data that show why you shouldn’t panic during market volatility
Over the last two years, investors have experienced a lot of volatility. If you’ve been tempted to change long-term plans, data can highlight why you shouldn’t panic.
At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, markets fell sharply, and investors continued to experience volatility as the situation and restrictions changed. Just as things were slowly getting back to “normal”, tensions with Russia began to rise and stock markets reacted strongly when Russia invaded Ukraine in February.
Seeing the value of your investments fall can be nerve-racking, so much so that you may be tempted to make withdrawals or changes to your portfolio.
While there are times when it may be appropriate to change your investments, changes should reflect your personal circumstances. They shouldn’t be a knee-jerk reaction to periods of volatility.
Tuning out the noise and looking at long-term investment trends can be easier said than done. So, these three pieces of data can help you see why, in most cases, sticking to your investment strategy is the best option.
1. Stock market risk falls the longer you invest
All investments carry some level of risk, and the value of your investments can fall.
However, over the long term, the ups and downs of investment markets can smooth out. This means that the longer you invest, the less risk there is that you will lose money when you look at the long-term outcomes. This is why you should invest for a minimum of five years.
The below graph shows how the risk of losing money overall falls when you invest for a longer period. This compares to holding cash, which can lose value in real terms as the cost of living rises, which interest rates are unlikely to keep up with.
Source: Schroders
So, while you may think about withdrawing your money amid volatility, leaving your money invested could reduce the risk of your portfolio falling in value.
Your investments should reflect your risk profile, which considers several factors, such as your goals and capacity for loss.
2. Markets have historically bounced back
When you’re experiencing volatility, it can seem like a one-off event. Yet, if you look back over the years, you’ll see there are often events that can seem like reasons not to invest or to change your investment strategy.
In the last decade alone, there’s been the Brexit vote, Trump’s inauguration, trade wars, and protests in Hong Kong.
During these periods, your investments may have fallen in value. Yet, if you review the long-term trend, markets have historically bounced back and gone on to deliver returns.
The graph below highlights how negative world events can cause stock markets to fall.
Source: Bloomberg, Humans Under Management. Returns are based on the MSCI World price index from 1988 and do not include dividends. For illustrative purposes only.
While there have been sharp falls, the general trend of stock markets has been upwards over the last 30 years.
Data from Schroders shows that stock market corrections, where there is a 10% drop, are not as rare as you might think either. The US market has fallen by at least 10% in 28 of the last 50 calendar years. Yet even with these dips, the market has returned 11% a year over the last 50 years on average.
3. Trying to time the market could cost you money
As stocks rise and fall, it can be tempting to try and time the market.
Everyone wants to buy stocks at a low price and sell them when the value is high. But it’s incredibly difficult to consistently predict how the markets will change.
Even if you miss out on just a handful of the best performing days of the market, you could lose out. The below table shows the returns from an investment of £1,000 between 1986 and 2021 based on leaving your money invested and missing some of the best days.
Source: Schroders
If you had invested in the FTSE 250, missing just the 30 best days over these 35 years would cost you almost £33,000.
The findings highlight why “it’s time in the market, not timing the market” is a common saying when investing. Staying the course and having faith in your long-term investment strategy makes sense for most investors.
Creating an investment strategy that’s right for you
The above graphs and table highlight why you shouldn’t panic when investment markets experience volatility.
That being said, it’s important to remember that investment performance cannot be guaranteed, and that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Building an investment portfolio that reflects your goals and takes an appropriate amount of risk is crucial. If you’d like to talk about investing, whether you have concerns about market volatility or want to start a portfolio, please contact us.
Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.
The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
8 things entrepreneurs can do to improve their financial resilience
More people than ever before are working for themselves and setting up businesses. It can be incredibly rewarding, but you also need to consider how it’ll affect your financial resilience.
The UK has a great spirit of entrepreneurship. According to the Office for National Statistics, around 4.8 million people (more than 15% of the labour force) is self-employed, and it’s something younger generations are continuing.
According to a report in Business Leader, 50% of new businesses set up between July 2020 and June 2021 were done so by people aged between 25 and 40.
And Generation Z, who are under 25, is already responsible for 7.8% of new companies.
The data suggests that being self-employed is going to become even more common in the coming years. The graph below shows the different types of self-employment across the UK.
Source: Office for National Statistics
If you’re among those who are self-employed, taking these eight steps can help improve your financial resilience and long-term wellbeing.
1. Set personal goals
When you’re building up connections or starting a business, it can be easy for that to become your sole focus. However, personal goals are just as important and can help you live a more fulfilling life.
Personal finance goals, like being able to pay off your mortgage or retire early, can provide motivation and ensure you have a clear direction for life outside of work.
2. Review your budget
As you’ll be responsible for your income, understanding your budget is crucial. The questions below can help you track your cash flow and make informed decisions about your spending:
- How much are you making?
- Does your income vary?
- What are your essential expenses?
- How much are you saving regularly?
3. Consider income protection
While on the subject of managing your income, how would you cope financially if you became too ill to work? While no one wants to think about being involved in an accident or having a long-term illness, it does happen.
Income protection policies can provide a regular income if you’re not able to work. You will need to pay regular premiums, but it means you can focus on recovering should something happen to you.
How much your premiums are will depend on your health, lifestyle, and level of cover required, and it can be cheaper than you expect.
Despite this, a Nationwide Building Society poll found that 3 in 10 people had nothing in place to support them financially if they couldn’t work. Many others would rely on savings, borrowing from family or friends, or using a credit card or loan.
4. Review whether critical illness cover is right for you
As well as income protection, you may also want to consider critical illness cover.
This type of policy would pay out a lump sum on the diagnosis of illnesses named within the policy. It can provide financial security if you’re diagnosed with an illness like cancer, stroke, or multiple sclerosis. You can use the lump sum however you like, from paying off your mortgage to covering day-to-day costs.
Again, you will need to pay premiums and the cost will depend on your health, lifestyle, and level of cover.
5. Don’t neglect your emergency fund
Whatever your employment status, an emergency fund is important. It provides a financial buffer in case you face unexpected costs, such as repairing your roof after a leak.
If you’re working for yourself, it can also be a useful fund if you experience a slow period or need to take time off.
How much you should hold in an emergency fund will depend on your commitments and other assets. A rule of thumb is to have three to six months of expenses in a readily accessible account.
An emergency fund is vital for building financial resilience. Yet, a report in International Adviser suggests that 51% of UK adults do not have enough emergency savings. The poll found that it wasn’t just an issue for low earners either: 23% of households earning more than £100,000 said they couldn’t cover their essential outgoings for three months.
6. Set up a pension and make regular contributions
While most employees now have a pension opened on their behalf by their employer, entrepreneurs will need to take their own steps to secure their retirement.
Opening a pension and making regular contributions is a great first step to building long-term financial resilience. As well as your own contributions, your pension can also benefit from tax relief and will be invested to hopefully deliver growth over the long term.
Understanding if you’re saving enough for retirement can be difficult. We can help you create a retirement plan that suits your goals, and balances your spending now with the future.
7. Make the most of tax allowances
Managing your tax bill can help your money go further. As an entrepreneur, there may be additional tax allowances you can make use of now or in the future.
Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR), for example, can be used when you want to sell all or part of your business, to reduce the amount of Capital Gains Tax (CGT) you pay. Or paying yourself dividends could reduce your Income Tax liability.
Understanding tax rules and which ones make sense for you can be difficult. So, seeking professional support can mean you’re better off financially overall.
8. Set up regular financial reviews
Finally, over time your goals and financial circumstances will change. Regular financial reviews can help ensure the steps you’re taking are still appropriate and support your wider goals.
To create a financial plan that will include frequent reviews to make sure you remain on track, please contact us.
Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.
A pension is a long-term investment not normally accessible until 55 (57 from April 2028). The value of your investments (and any income from them) can go down as well as up, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available.
Your pension income could also be affected by the interest rates at the time you take your benefits. The tax implications of pension withdrawals will be based on your individual circumstances. Levels, bases of and reliefs from taxation may change in subsequent Finance Acts.
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax planning.
Will disputes are on the rise. 3 things you can do to minimise the chances of your wishes being challenged
A will is the only way for your wishes to be legally enforceable when you pass away. However, it’s becoming more common for families to dispute wills. So, what can you do to ensure your will is upheld?
In most cases, a will is followed, and families will respect the wishes of the deceased. But the possibility of someone contesting your will is something you should think about.
According to a report in iNews, the number of Inheritance Act claims increased by 72% in 2021. The Inheritance Act allows a court to make orders for the provision of a spouse, child, or other dependents from a deceased person’s estate.
In addition, the number of will disputes fought in the High Court in 2020 was 192. This figure compares to 128 in 2018.
While disputes represent only a small proportion of estates, they can be costly and stressful for your loved ones. If you’re worried that someone could dispute your wishes, taking steps now to minimise the chances can provide you with peace of mind and help ensure your estate is distributed how you’d like.
Here are three things you can do.
1. Talk to loved ones about your wishes
Some disputes occur due to misunderstandings when people are grieving. In these cases, a conversation with your loved ones now can make a difference.
It can be difficult to talk about passing away and what you’d like to happen to your assets when you do, but it’s an important conversation.
It allows you to explain your decisions and provide loved ones with an opportunity to ask questions. It means that when you pass away, they won’t be surprised by the contents of your will.
You may also want to write a letter of wishes. This document isn’t legally binding, but it can be used alongside your will to provide guidance and explain what you want in your own words.
2. Take care to avoid mistakes in your will
Someone can’t dispute your will simply because they don’t like the contents, they must have valid grounds for doing so.
One common reason is that the will is not valid, and this is often due to avoidable errors. For instance, if your will is not properly signed and witnessed, someone could challenge it.
While you can write your will yourself, seeking the support of a legal professional can minimise mistakes and provide you with peace of mind.
You may want to change your will in the future. You can do this either through a codicil, which makes an official alteration to your existing will, or by writing a new will. You should make sure alterations are clear and destroy any previous wills to avoid confusion and potential reasons for disputes.
3. Make it clear you understand your decisions and have the mental capacity to make them
Other reasons for contesting a will include that you didn’t understand the decisions you were making, that they were made under duress, or that you lacked the mental capacity to make them.
Maintaining clear records about your plans and speaking to people about them can be enough to show that you understand the contents of your will. As well as family, this may include professionals, such as a solicitor. Emails to your solicitor may demonstrate your wishes and that you fully understood the implications if a dispute arises.
If you’re worried that mental capacity may be used as a reason for contesting your will, obtaining the opinion of a qualified doctor, usually your GP, can help.
A trust could provide you with an alternative way to pass on wealth
A trust isn’t the right option for everyone, but it can provide you with an alternative way to pass on wealth if you’re worried about your will being disputed.
One of the reasons you may use a trust is that you can set out rules that must be followed by the trustee, who will manage it. This may include who will benefit from the assets held in a trust and when certain assets will be distributed.
A trust can also be an effective way to pass on wealth during your lifetime.
Trusts can be complex, and they may not be the right option for you, so it’s important to seek advice.
If you’d like help creating an estate plan, from understanding your assets to how you can pass on wealth while minimising disputes, please contact us.
Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.
Will writing and estate planning are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Why good retirement planning is about more than your pension and money
If you’re nearing retirement, you may be starting to think about planning the next stage of your life.
What steps spring to mind? You may prioritise organising your pension, claiming your State Pension, or reviewing how much you have in a savings account. These steps are important for creating security, yet good retirement planning goes further than your finances.
So, what should retirement planning include? Setting out lifestyle goals is crucial for building a retirement plan that means you get the most out of your life.
Here are five questions that you should think about as you approach retirement. They can also help you get the most out of the financial planning process by ensuring your aspirations are at the heart of any decisions you make.
1. What are you looking forward to in retirement?
If you’re nearing retirement, you may be excited about the next stage of your life. Setting out what it is you’re looking forward to can help you make decisions that are right for you.
According to the Great British Retirement Survey from interactive investor, 49% of people that haven’t yet retired are looking forward to greater freedom and 42% see retirement as an opportunity for a new business or hobbies.
3 in 10 people still working think their life will improve when they retire. Pinpointing what it is that will make retirement an exciting milestone for you is crucial.
2. How will you fill your days when you retire?
While you may have big plans for your retirement, it can be easy to overlook the day-to-day when you set out your lifestyle.
Going from working full-time to having freedom can be overwhelming at first. Some retirees can find they don’t know how to fill their days initially and you may need a period of adjustment. By setting out how you’d like to spend your time before you retire, you can start building a retirement lifestyle that you find fulfilling.
3. What will give you purpose in retirement?
Much like filling your days, retiring can pose a challenge for some retirees if they feel like they’ve lost their purpose and drive when giving up work.
According to an Aegon report, just 4 in 10 people think about what gives their life joy and purpose.
Considering your driving force is a useful exercise at any point in your life and reviewing this as you retire is an important task.
4. How will you maintain social connections in retirement?
Work can play a pivotal role in your social life. So, when you retire, it can leave a gap.
Thinking about how you’ll maintain or create new social connections can improve your retirement lifestyle. That may mean making sure you stay in touch with family and friends or planning ways to get out of the house to meet new people, like joining a club that interests you.
Research from the National Institute for Health Research found that 1 in 3 people aged 50 years and over in the UK report feeling lonely. A lack of social connections can harm your mental health and has been linked to depression, so your social life in retirement is vital for your overall wellbeing and happiness.
5. Do you have any concerns about retirement?
While you may be looking forward to retirement, it’s natural to have some concerns too.
From worries about your finances to being anxious about the lifestyle change, thinking about your concerns is as important as setting out what you’re looking forward to.
It means you can address any worries that you have and put a plan in place to deal with them. By being proactive, you can really focus on enjoying your retirement to the fullest.
Using your lifestyle goals to shape your financial decisions
Lifestyle aspirations play a crucial role in effective retirement planning, but getting to grips with the finances remains important.
Having a clear idea about what you want to get out of retirement can help shape your financial decisions so they reflect your priorities.
If you want to see more of the world when you initially retire, taking a larger income from your pension during the first few years could make sense. Or if you hope to make workshops, classes, and hobbies a regular part of your schedule, including these costs in your budget can ensure you’re able to fill your days how you want.
By combining lifestyle and finances when you’re retirement planning, you can have confidence in the decisions you make. Please contact us to discuss your retirement and the lifestyle you’re looking forward to.
Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.
Your older pensions could be delivering “poor value for money”, and it could cost you thousands of pounds
If you opened a defined contribution (DC) pension in the 1990s or 2000s, the charges you’re paying could be higher than comparable pensions opened more recently. Between now and your retirement, the difference could add up to thousands of pounds.
Research conducted by the Institute for Fiscal Studies found that many older DC pensions deliver “poor value for money”. Among people in their 50s, the average annual fee for a DC pension taken out in the 1990s is above 1.1%. This compares to a charge of 0.8% for DC pensions opened in the last decade.
The difference between 1.1% and 0.8% can seem small. However, over the decades your pension will be invested, it can add up.
For example, a 50-year-old with a pension worth £21,000 could have an additional £2,400 at the age of 67 if they switched from a pension charging 1.1% to one with a 0.8% fee. This example assumes that annual investment returns in the future are the same as the average over the last five years.
The larger your pension, the more you could gain by switching.
The research assessed the returns of different pensions too. It found that the higher fees of older pensions are not justified by better performance in many cases. So, if you do have an older DC pension, moving your retirement savings to another scheme could make sense.
Kate Ogden, a research economist at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, said: “It is vital that people get the most out of the retirement saving they have done over their working lives. This won’t happen automatically. Older pensions risk becoming poor value for money. The fee charges are often higher than those on pensions taken out more recently.”
In addition to potentially higher charges, older DC pensions may not be invested in the way you’d like. Asset allocation decisions you made many years ago may no longer suit your retirement plans.
Your pension should reflect your investment risk profile and other factors, like when you plan to retire.
Even if you’re no longer contributing to a pension, it’s important to continue to assess performance and engage with it to ensure it helps you reach your goals.
What value is your pension delivering?
If you took out a DC pension a long time ago, it’s likely delivering poor value for money in terms of charges. The research found four-fifths of pensions started in 2013 have a charge of 0.75% or less. In contrast, just 1 in 9 pensions opened in 1993 do.
To determine the value of your pension, you should assess what fees you’re paying and compare this to alternatives available today. It could save you thousands of pounds, which can then be invested to boost your retirement savings.
Charges are an important part of reviewing your pensions, but you shouldn’t automatically switch your pension if they are high. There may be other things that make the pension valuable, such as:
- Investment performance: You should review charges in the context of the pension’s performance. A higher charge may be justified if your retirement savings are growing at a faster pace.
- Greater flexibility: Some older pensions may allow you to access your savings sooner than newer pensions. If you want to retire early, this can provide you with more freedom.
- Guaranteed annuity rate (GAR): Some older pensions may have a GAR. Today’s annuity rates are typically lower than the 1990s and earlier, so you could receive a higher retirement income by retaining an older pension.
Before you make any decisions about your pension, you should carefully review it. Once you’ve left a scheme, you may not be able to go back, and you could lose any benefits you hold now. You may also need to pay an exit fee.
Transferring your pension
If you decide that a pension isn’t delivering value, you’ll need to find another pension scheme to move your savings to. This could be an existing pension or one with a different provider.
There are a lot of pension providers to choose from. You should consider the fees of pension schemes as well as other factors, such as the choice of investment funds on offer and past performance, although you should remember that past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.
Some providers may also have minimum or maximum contribution levels or require regular deposits.
With so many providers to choose from, it can be difficult to know which option is right for you. If you have questions about your current pension or are thinking about switching, please contact us.
Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.
A pension is a long-term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available. Your pension income could also be affected by the interest rates at the time you take your benefits. The tax implications of pension withdrawals will be based on your individual circumstances, tax legislation and regulation, which are subject to change in the future.
Investment market update: December 2021
As 2021 drew to a close, the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences continued to affect economies.
The first case of the Omicron variant was reported in South Africa at the end of November 2021. It quickly spread and some counties began to reintroduce restrictions and offer booster vaccine shots. As before, the measures taken to reduce the spread of Omicron affected many businesses, particularly those in the travel and hospitality sectors.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) also warned that surging inflation could undermine global recovery. The OECD predicts that price pressures will peak in early 2022.
Headline figures from the UK paint a gloomy picture, but there are signs that the economy is getting back on track.
In October, the UK economy grew by just 0.1%. Growth forecasts for 2022 have also been revised down. The CBI now predicts the UK will grow by 5.1%, which compares to the organisation’s previous forecast of 6.9%. Accounting organisation KPMG has an even gloomier outlook and predicts growth of just 2.6% in 2022.
The Bank of England (BoE) warned that UK inflation would comfortably exceed 5% by spring 2022. In response, the BoE’s base interest rate was increased from 0.1% to 0.25%. While only a minor increase, the decision may be part of a long-term plan to gradually increase interest rates from historic lows.
Figures suggest that despite soaring costs, businesses are growing. Data from IHS Markit PMIs found:
• Soaring cost pressures are continuing to hit UK manufacturers. Factories saw prices rise at their fastest pace in at least 30 years, since records began. Firms also reported ongoing shortages of components, commodities, and labour. Despite these challenges, the PMI rose from 57.8 in October to 58.1 in November, showing that growth is becoming more rapid.
• The construction sector is facing similar difficulties. However, the PMI also shows the pace of growth is rising, as the measure increased from 54.6 to 55.5 in November.
• Export sales have supported service sector businesses, with the PMI reaching 58.5. Demand for services and businesses trying to offset rapid inflation led to the prices charged by providers increasing at the fastest rates since the survey began in 1996.
In December, the English government introduced “Plan B” to slow the spread of Omicron. While England avoided another full lockdown, restrictions did affect businesses, particularly those within the travel and hospitality sectors. Scotland and Wales introduced stricter measures that also affected business operations. In 2022, the spread of Omicron could lead to governments taking more stringent steps.
Brexit is also set to affect firms in 2022. From 1 January 2022, there will be new customs checks. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned that the UK still faces post-Brexit trade challenges, while a poll from the Institute of Directors indicates that many firms are not prepared. The survey found 3 in 10 importers described themselves as “not at all prepared” for the changes to border checks.
Overall, data suggest that eurozone growth is picking up, but the figures also hide subdued growth in some sectors.
The PMI for output was 54.2 – a figure above 50 suggests that the economy is growing. However, the data mostly reflects the resilience of the service sector, as manufacturers are being held back by supply shortages.
Factory orders in Germany, the eurozone’s largest economy, also suggest that growth could be more subdued in the coming months. Orders fell by 6.9% in October, which was much worse than expected. The country’s economy is being affected by weaker overseas demand.
This month, Turkey featured in headlines as the country’s central bank was forced to stage an intervention to prop up the ailing lira. President Erdogan defended his economic policy of low-interest rates despite the currency losing value and inflation climbing.
The European Commission is set to propose stricter labour rules to regulate the gig economy. If introduced, the rules could seriously affect the profitability of some firms, including those that have done well during the pandemic, such as food delivery services.
The US also continued to battle rising inflation and supply chain challenges.
The rate of inflation in 2021 was 6.8%. The figure is the highest since 1982, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The rising cost of living is putting pressure on US families and businesses, and on the social spending bill that president Biden is trying to pass.
Job figures show that there are more openings in the US, with around 210,000 jobs added to the economy in November. However, this is far less than the expected 550,000, as a record 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs in November.
In China, imports surged by 32% year-on-year in November to around $254 billion (£187 billion) as firms tried to restock depleted commodities. Export growth slowed and grew by 22% to $326 billion (£240 billion) but was stronger than forecasted.
Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.
The value of your investments can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
What happened in the property market in 2021?
Despite the pandemic, the property market continued to move in 2021. Thousands of families purchased their first home, moved up the property ladder, or decided to invest in property during the year. Here are a few of the key events and figures that highlight what happened in the property market in 2021.
A Stamp Duty holiday helped support the property market
There were concerns that Covid-19 restrictions would lead to the property market stalling. To combat this, the chancellor introduced a Stamp Duty holiday in England and Northern Ireland in July 2020, and, after an extension, it finished in September 2021. Scotland and Wales also introduced similar temporary reductions when buying property.
The holiday meant that homebuyers could save up to £15,000 when buying a home. The threshold for paying Stamp Duty temporarily increased to £500,000, compared to the usual £125,000, so fewer families need to pay the tax. It encouraged more people to consider moving while they could reduce the associated costs. According to Which?, around 1.3 million buyers benefited from the holiday across the UK.
The organisation also estimates that the holiday led to sellers hiking property prices by more than £16,000 as buyers clamoured to find a property. As a result, the Stamp Duty holiday is associated both with increased demand and rising prices.
2021 was the busiest property market since 2007
The Stamp Duty holiday helped to make 2021 the busiest property market in almost 15 years.
According to Zoopla, by the end of 2021, 1 in 16 homes had changed hands, making it the busiest property market since 2007. Homebuyers in 2021 may have experienced delays in the process, from mortgage applications to solicitors, as professionals in the industry dealt with higher demand alongside the pandemic restrictions.
House prices continued to climb
Rising property prices have been making headlines over 2021. With demand rising and the Stamp Duty holiday placing pressure on home buyers, it’s no surprise that prices increased in line with this.
In November, the average UK property prices reached £270,000 for the first time according to the Halifax House Price Index. In the three months to November, prices increased by 2.3%, while over the year they had increased by 8.1%. Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland have outperformed the UK average in terms of property price growth.
The pandemic affected what home buyers were looking for
The pandemic and the associated restrictions led to a shift in what home buyers were looking for in a dream property.
Reflecting a wider trend for working from home, the Zoopla data shows there has been greater demand in commuter zones and more rural areas. With the freedom to work anywhere, workers are increasingly searching for a home with a local area that meets their needs without having to contemplate work opportunities as much.
In addition to this, larger homes with outdoor spaces were in demand after lockdown restrictions meant people were forced to stay in their homes. Home offices and larger living spaces have also become key features home buyers are looking out for. With people appreciating the space their homes offer more, it could change which types of property are in demand in the future.
What will 2022 hold for the property market?
There’s no consensus among property experts about what 2022 will mean for the property market. However, according to a report in the Guardian, demand for property is set to continue driving up property prices, albeit at a slower pace. It is estimated that property values will increase by up to 3.5% a year between 2022 and 2024.
If you’re looking to purchase property this year, whether as a home or as an investment, working with a mortgage broker can help you access a mortgage with a competitive interest rate and the flexibility you want. If you’d like to talk to one of our team, please contact us.
Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.
7 different ways you can leave gifts in your will
When you think about writing or updating your will, who you want to benefit from your estate is often the first consideration. However, just as important is how you want to split up the assets you have. There are several options to think about.
A will is the only way to make sure your assets are passed on to who you want. As well as naming beneficiaries in a will, you can also specify how you want your estate divided up. This means you have control over who receives which assets or how larger assets are divided.
Gifts within a will are known as “bequests” and it’s worth spending some time thinking about who you’d like to receive certain items. Among the types of bequests to consider are the following seven.
1. Specific bequest
A specific request is used when you want a specified beneficiary to receive a particular item or lump sum of money. This can be used to pass on sentimental items, such as jewellery, as well as valuable assets like specified shares.
2. Pecuniary bequest
A pecuniary bequest is also known as a “general bequest” and it’s similar to a specific request. It’s when you give a lump sum of money to a specific recipient.
3. Demonstrative bequest
In some cases, you may want a beneficiary to receive the proceeds of a sale, which is known as a “demonstrative bequest”. For example, you may state: “I leave my child, Hannah, the proceeds from the sale of my holiday home in Cornwall.”
4. Residual bequest
A residual bequest is often used to wrap up the remaining assets of your estate after other bequests have been made and any debts or tax due have been settled. If, after specific or demonstrative bequests you state “I leave the remainder of my estate to my children,” this would be considered a residual bequest.
5. Reversionary bequest
A reversionary request allows you to set out what you would like to happen to assets if the intended beneficiary passes away before you do. For example, you may state you want your partner to receive certain assets, but that these should pass to your children if your partner passes away.
6. Conditional bequest
In some instances, you may want to place conditions on a gift being received. Unlike the options above, a conditional request means certain conditions that you set out in your will must be met before the beneficiary receives their inheritance. This could include getting married, having children, or other restrictions.
You may also want to set out conditions for how the gift is used. For instance, you may state: “I leave my daughter, Sarah, £20,000, providing she uses the money as a deposit for a property”, or “I leave my son, Andrew, £40,000, provided it is added to his pension.”
7. Charitable bequest
Finally, you may also choose to leave a gift to a charity or other organisation. As with leaving a gift to a person, you can name certain assets to pass to a charity or can specify a percentage of your estate.
Leaving a charitable legacy means you can support causes that are important to you. If your estate could be liable for Inheritance Tax (IHT), gifting can also help reduce the bill. Gifting some assets to charity can reduce the total value of your estate to below IHT thresholds. If you leave at least 10% of your entire estate to charity, you can also pay a reduced IHT rate of 36%, compared to the standard 40%. If IHT is a concern for you, please contact us.
Understanding your estate when setting out your will
When reviewing your will, understanding your estate and the value of various assets can help you set out bequests in a way that reflects your goals. If you’d like to review your finances and create an estate plan you can have confidence in, please contact us.
Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate will writing or estate planning.
38% of parents have provided financial gifts. Can you afford to do it?
As a parent, you may want to help your children achieve financial security by providing a financial gift. Yet, you may also be worried about the effect it could have on your own lifestyle, as well as the inheritance you leave loved ones. Before gifting significant sums, it’s important to review your overall finances.
According to research from Canada Life, 38% of parents have already passed on “significant financial gifts” to the next generation. It’s something many more parents may be thinking about too.
There are plenty of reasons for providing a financial gift. Among those given were:
• To help with general living expenses (21%)
• To reduce the value of their estate (18%)
• To act as a house deposit (17%)
• To fund a car purchase (17%)
• To support major purchases (17%)
• To purchase a house outright (13%).
As living costs have increased, wages have been stagnant and so your children or grandchildren may struggle day-to-day or with reaching milestones. Getting on the property ladder is a well-known challenge that they may be facing, and gifts are frequently used to act as a deposit. Whatever your reasons for wanting to provide a gift, you should first assess the long-term effect it will have.
Here are five questions to answer before you gift some of your assets.
1. Do you expect the money to be repaid?
In some cases, you may want the sum to be repaid. If you do, make sure you’re clear from the outset to ensure you’re all on the same page. If you need it for a particular goal, such as retirement, a misunderstanding could affect your plans. It may also be a good idea to make the arrangement formal and contact a legal professional.
2. Will taking a lump sum out of your assets have a long-term effect?
It can be difficult to understand how taking a lump sum out of your assets can affect your long-term wealth. If you remove money from investments, for instance, it will also affect your expected investment returns. Taking some time to assess the effect it could have now means that you can lend financial support with confidence. Making gifts part of your financial plan can help you see how they could affect other priorities and goals. If you’re not sure whether a gift could harm other goals, please contact us.
3. Will you still have a financial buffer after providing a gift?
You may calculate that you have enough to live the lifestyle you want after giving a financial gift, but remember that the unexpected can happen. You should ensure you still have a financial buffer to provide a safety net if you need it.
4. Would gifting now affect how much inheritance loved ones receive?
Providing loved ones with a financial gift now may mean their inheritance is less than expected. In some cases, a gift now could provide greater financial security and makes sense. However, if leaving an inheritance is important to you, it may not be the right decision. It’s a good idea to talk to beneficiaries about how gifts will affect what you leave behind, as it could affect their own decisions.
5. Where will you take the gift from?
As well as deciding whether or not you can afford to give a gift, you should consider where the money will come from. An ISA, for example, is a tax-efficient way to save and invest, and you may not be able to replace the money you withdraw if it exceeds the ISA annual subscription. Withdrawing money from a pension could also affect long-term forecasts. If you’d like to discuss your assets and how you can make a gift, please contact us.
Are gifts an effective way to reduce the value of your estate?
While the research found many parents are gifting to support their children in reaching goals, 17% didn’t have a particular reason. Instead, the motivation was to reduce the value of their estate. If your estate could be liable for Inheritance Tax (IHT), gifting can be an effective way to reduce the bill. However, not all gifts will reduce the value of your estate immediately.
Gifts that are immediately outside of your estate include:
• Up to £3,000 each tax year, known as your “annual exemption”
• Small gifts of up to £250 for each person, each tax year
• £1,000 gifts for wedding or civil partnerships. This rises to £2,500 for grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and £5,000 for a child
• Regular gifts that help with another person’s living costs
• Gifts made out of your normal income.
Other gifts may be “potentially exempt transfers” and could be considered part of your estate for up to seven years for IHT purposes. If reducing your IHT liability is a motivation for gifting, please contact us to discuss your options.
If you’re thinking about gifting, whatever the reason, taking some time to weigh up the consequences it could have on your lifestyle is crucial. Please contact us to go through your plans in the context of your other goals.
Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax or estate planning.
Why now is the perfect time to start thinking about the end of the tax year
2022 may only have just started, but now is an excellent time to start thinking about the end of the tax year. Planning now can help you make the most of allowances and reduce how much tax you pay.
The 2021/22 tax year will end on 5 April 2022. This date is when many tax-efficient allowances will reset. In some cases, it will be your last opportunity to use them, although which allowances should form part of your financial plan will depend on your circumstances. Among the allowances that will reset on 5 April 2022 are:
• The ISA allowance, which allows you to save or invest up to £20,000 each tax year tax-efficiently
• The pension Annual Allowance, which is the amount you can tax-efficiently save into a pension each year
• The Dividend Allowance, which is the amount you can receive in dividends each tax year before you will need to pay tax
• The Capital Gains Tax annual exempt amount, which is the amount you can earn in profit when selling certain items before tax is due.
The end of the current tax year may seem like a long way off, but it’s worth starting to think about it now for a variety of reasons.
Take your time reviewing the allowances that will reset
If you leave your tax year planning until closer to the deadline, you may overlook some of the allowances that could be useful for you. By starting the process now, you give yourself plenty of time to review which allowances you should use. Maximising appropriate tax allowances can reduce your tax liability and help your money to go further.
Avoid being affected by delays
The end of the tax year is a busy time for financial providers, such as pension providers or accountants. If you want to make a change, leaving it until the last minute could mean you’re affected by delays and that you end up missing out. Taking steps now means you can make decisions without the pressure to do so quickly to meet deadlines.
Spread out contributions you want to make
As part of your end of tax year plan, you may want to maximise contributions to your ISA or pension. Doing so can help your money go further and help you reach long-term goals. By setting out your plans now, you can spread out these contributions over several months. It also means you have longer if you want to move illiquid into tax-efficient wrappers.
Making tax-efficient allowances part of your financial plan
When you’re making a financial plan, you should consider the allowances that will help you reach your goals.
If you’re saving for retirement, maximising your pension Annual Allowance each year could help you save more for your future. Or considering the Capital Gains Tax annual exempt amount when planning how you’ll dispose of assets can significantly reduce your tax bill.
By embedding allowances into your wider financial plan, you’re more likely to make use of them this tax year and future ones.
While you may only just be reviewing your allowances for 2021/22, understanding the allowances for the 2022/23 year is useful too. It can give you confidence in your future, while being able to drip-feed money into an ISA or pension can also make your goals more manageable. Rather than depositing a lump sum at the end of the tax year, you can spread out your contributions to make them part of your regular outgoings.
When investing, drip-feeding can make sense too, as you’ll be buying shares or units at different points throughout the year. This can help smooth out short-term volatility.
As well as making allowances part of your plan now, you should also review them each year. Allowances can change, as can your goals, which can affect which allowances make sense for your financial plan.
If you have any questions about the allowances that could reduce your tax liability and how to make them part of your wider financial plan, please contact us.
Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.
A pension is a long-term investment not normally accessible until 55 (57 from April 2028). The value of your investments (and any income from them) can go down as well as up, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available.
Your pension income could also be affected by the interest rates at the time you take your benefits. The tax implications of pension withdrawals will be based on your individual circumstances. Levels, bases of and reliefs from taxation may change in subsequent Finance Acts.
The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
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