Key questions
You are unique
At Church’s, we know that good financial planning is based on a thorough understanding of your individual circumstances.
To help us build a full picture, we will need to ask about your attitudes, your assets, interests, dreams and stage of life.
Equally we recognise that you will have questions for us too, possibly as the situation changes – and we are always here to help.
With this context, we can set out a suitable financial plan for your approval, with flexibility to adjust wherever life takes you.
Questions you might want to ask us
Here are a few of the typical questions we may get asked:
- Am I going to be OK?
- Is my family going to be OK?
- Can I afford my desired lifestyle?
- When can I retire?
- How often will we meet to review my plan?
In each case, the answer will depend on your home or employment situation, your aims and priorities and possibly your stage of life. Whatever you need guidance with, Church's will consider your circumstances and explain the options to you.
Questions we might want to ask you
Apart from the expected financial questions, to help us take your lifestyle into account and understand your aims, we might ask you:
- How do you feel about money?
- What hobbies and activities do you enjoy?
- Who would you like to spend time with?
- How often do you want to go on holiday and where do you want to go?
- What legacy would you like to leave?
- What is on your bucket list?
How do I take this forward?
If you would like to explore how Church’s can help you, we offer a no obligation initial discovery meeting, at no cost, at our office.
This provides an opportunity for you to learn about our services and for us to better understand your planning objectives.
Please call us, email or make a quick enquiry via the Contacts page.
We look forward to hearing from you.